By having a clear definition of what you want to achieve, partnered with a straight-forward & well-documented roadmap on how to acquire it, a successful project can be accomplished.
As simple as this sounds, time and time again this simple ideology can go pear shaped if the goals keep shifting. Our approach is to openly collaborate with a core team to establish insights & trends, brand positioning, audience motivation, conceptual development and a complete tracking strategy of your KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators).
With this strategy in place, Develope structure and user interface can be developed to define how people will interact and more importantly engage with the site.
Clean, strong design principles compel customers to interact with your products through direct online purchases, enquiries, subscriptions, downloads, press releases, interactive maps, software development, allowing them to build a memorable relationship with your brand.

Our Strategy

By having a clear definition of what you want to achieve, partnered with a straight-forward & well-documented roadmap on how to acquire it, a successful project can be accomplished.
As simple as this sounds, time and time again this simple ideology can go pear shaped if the goals keep shifting. Our approach is to openly collaborate with a core team to establish insights & trends, brand positioning, audience motivation, conceptual development and a complete tracking strategy of your KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators).
With this strategy in place, a website’s page structure and user interface can be developed to define how people will interact and more importantly engage with the site.
Clean, strong design principles compel customers to interact with your website through direct online purchases, enquiries, subscriptions, brochure downloads, press releases, interactive maps, image galleries and reviews, allowing them to build a memorable relationship with your brand.

Mobile & Tablet

We constantly focus our awareness on the fine detail, to collaboratively utilise all of our individual strengths and skills, keeping us at the forefront of technology.
Mobile & Tablet web technologies have been around for a very long time. However, it’s only during the past few years that we’ve seen an uptake on its use. Is your website optimised for Mobile & Tablet?
There has been an incredible increase in web browsing on Mobile & Tablet devices over the past few years, a lot of which has caught the industry by surprise. We’ve been working closely with our clients during this transition and are growing our wealth of knowledge as the Mobile & Tablet industry continues to emerge.
A lot of providers will offer to “mobilize” your website, but the key issue here is that a Mobile & Tablet website is not the same as a normal website. As the user psychology is completely different, the website needs to meet the needs of users on a Mobile & Tablet platform. With so many platforms now available including iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile & Tablet, Nokia Symbian, Samsung Bada and the new emerging Android Platforms, a Mobile & Tablet site may not look or act in the same way.
Through a eSoftix Mobile & Tablet website, you can confidently know all your customers can access your website content on the fly and easily obtain the information they are looking for. Our engaging websites push the boundaries of Mobile & Tablet design and can be easily incorporated into the eSoftix Online CMS to make it easy for you to control your Mobile & Tablet content, just like the rest of your website.

Search Engine Optimisation

If potential customers can’t find you organically online, you could be missing out on a lot of potential business.
The most generalised statement we hear is, “I would like to be number one on the search engines”. This is where our years of experience and an extensive range of proven strategies will bring you targeted results.
Search Engine Optimisation, SEO, is primarily concerned with advancing the goals of a website by improving the number and position of its search results for a wide variety of relevant keywords. SEO strategies can increase both the number and quality of visitors, where quality means visitors who complete the action hoped for by the site owner (e.g. make a purchase, make contact, subscribe to a database or bookmark in social media). Overly broad search optimization can hinder marketing strategy by generating a large volume of low-quality enquiries that cost money to handle, yet result in little business.
There are numerous factors that can affect how a website ranks on search engines. Some of these factors are obvious and others are less obvious, and much harder if not impossible to prove. Furthermore, each search engine weights each of these factors differently, places the emphasis in different spots and changes their criteria regularly to prevent abuse of the system.

Hosting & Domain

As domain name strategy is becoming increasingly critical in creating a successful online presence, you need a simple and cost-effective domain registry system.
Being in the online industry for as long as we have, we know the value of your domain and how much it should cost to purchase. As part of our online service we offer full domain name research and support and a low cost option to register your domain names through our preferred registry – Reference Website.